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Forsaking the American Dream

"Work hard, stay in school, graduate college, find a high-paying job, and you'll have a good life."

How often have you heard some, if not all of those phrases? In today's world and generation, we (college-aged kids) are constantly pushed to pursue the "American Dream." In and of itself, it sounds good. Work hard and be successful. Sounds easy.

I've had the privilege of living in America my entire life and I wouldn't change it for anything. On the other hand, it has awoken me to many things. As a believer, we are called to deny ourselves and take up our cross. (Matt 16:24) We are called to crucify our flesh with its passions and desires. (Gal 5:24). Why would Jesus and Paul tell us this? In conjunction with the American Dream, Jesus and Paul are telling us to be careful in how we live our lives.

Are we living it to accomplish our will or God's will?

Are we living it to accumulate earthly treasures or eternal treasures?

Are we living it to see the Kingdom advance or our kingdom advance?

I used to be the person who wanted a comfortable life. Work a nice job, earn a good paycheck. Sounds great, right? Over the last few years, I've truly understood what it means to follow Jesus. He's serious about picking up your cross and crucifying your flesh. His will is greater than ours could ever be.

Since I started taking my walk with Christ seriously, I no longer want the American Dream. I don't want a comfortable life. Honestly, I don't even want a lot of money. I simply want Jesus. Whatever it looks like, wherever He sends me, whatever He calls me to do. I've learned what it means to be monetarily poor and spiritually rich. I've learned what it means to have few earthly friends and one incredible heavenly Father.

I've given up on the American Dream to follow Jesus. There's no looking back.

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me." // Isaiah 6:8

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