The Canvas of Your Soul
I had a vision a few nights ago during prayer and I want to share it with you. I love when the Lord gives simple, yet powerful visions. I believe reading this will be a blessing to you.
I walked into a room and there was a girl sitting in a chair and the chair was in front of a painting canvas. She wasn't just sitting there. She was crying profusely. The canvas was messy and dirty. It was worn out. The corners were starting to rip as well. To be honest, I wasn't worried about the canvas because my attention was drawn straight to the girl. Why was she crying? Would a bad painting really make someone cry that much?
As I got closer to the canvas, I began to weep. This was no ordinary painting. Her canvas was covered in names. Here's what some of them said. Slut. Whore. Cutter. Alcoholic. Without this girl uttering a word, I knew she had horrible teenage years. I soon realized this girl had many terrible names spoken over her life. This canvas was not simply a canvas. I was seeing the canvas of her soul. She had an eraser in her hand and all she wanted to do was erase the scars of her past. The eraser marks dug so deep into the canvas and the canvas began to rip. It was hard to watch and it gripped me. She had nowhere else to go. She needed love but because of her past, no one wanted to give her any. With a faint voice, she simply cried out to Jesus.
When all hope seemed lost, the door opened. Jesus walked in. He was smiling. He was at peace. He was carrying a gallon of white paint. With one big thrust, the white paint violently rushed out of the bucket and onto the canvas. In a moment, the canvas was washed white. Not a single name or mark could be found. Though our sins are scarlet. He has made them white as snow.
I don't know where you're at in your life but I want you to know this. There is hope. You have a Father in Heaven that loves you so deeply. When all else seems lost, He is simply waiting for you to call on His name. You may be the girl who has nowhere else to go because of your past. Call on Jesus. He will come to you if you come to Him. You may be the guy who has lost hope. He is waiting for you to cry out to Him.
He loves you.