When you look at scripture, especially the life of Jesus, you'll see that serving is a prevalent topic in His life. As believers, we are called to imitate Jesus by how we live. (Eph 5:1 // 1 John 2:6) His life was a life of serving and we must emulate not just His words, but His actions as well.
Humility and serving go hand-in-hand. Jesus showed a beautiful example of this long before He ever stepped on Earth. Isaiah prophecied that Jesus would come as a baby, born of a pure woman. (Isa 9:6) This was in stark contrast to how many expected Him to come! His humility was shown from the beginning.
Even into His childhood years, Jesus served others. He spent His childhood as a carpenter after learning the trade under Joseph. Biblical scholars say He could of cut wood, make cabinets, or help build homes, etc. Even though He was the King, He was found helping others above Himself! This was a common theme in His life. He was living out His commands long before He said them.
Nothing changed when He began His ministry. The life He lived as a kid was the same man who was now raising the dead and preaching the Kingdom. Like I mentioned earlier, humility and serving go hand-in-hand. When Christ was not preaching in the synagogues, He was serving and pouring into His disciples. With no one else around, He was teaching them the Kingdom and empowering them to carry on the message He brought. He loved them dearly. They were His friends. He did life and served them far away from the spotlight.
In my eyes, one of the most powerful moments in Jesus' life was the night before His death. It was dark and the 12 disciples were together in the Upper Room with Jesus. Little did they know, this night would be the last time they were gathered with Jesus before He died. He predicted His coming death and betrayal. He broke bread (symbolizing His body) and drank wine (symbolizing His blood) with them. Last but not least, He washed their feet. Jesus, King of all the earth, took on the lowest of lows and washed His disciples feet. Washing feet was reserved for the lowest of servants in Jerusalem during this time. God himself, clothed in flesh, took on the form of a servant. His entire life embodied this virtue. It's vital to know that He washed the feet of ALL 12 disciples, even Judas. At this point, Satan had already entered the heart of Judas. It was already set in stone that Judas was about to betray Jesus. During these moments, Jesus said, "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." He wasn't only saying this, He was putting it into action. The night before His death, He was found serving His disciples, even the one who was about to hand Him over to the Romans.
Jesus embodied serving because He lived a life dedicated to serving. His love for them proved that His serving was authentic and genuine. He practiced what He preached and lived out what He taught.
Thank you Jesus for showing us how to love and serve others.
If you'd like to discuss this topic more, email me at! I'd love to chat with you :)
- Ian