The Lord gave me a simple word in morning prayer today and it wrecked me. The word (as you can see by the title and picture) is "reach". It was so simple that I smiled as I heard it. When morning prayer started, I uttered the phrase (I didn't realize what I said until I said it); "Nothing is to far out of God's reach." I smiled at first but then began to softly weep. I had heard this phrase so many times in my life but for some reason, it touched my soul today. Below are two things the Lord specifically spoke to me regarding the word "reach".
1. Nothing is to far out of God's reach.
2. With that revelation, how far are YOU willing to reach?
God was specifically talking about people (like He normally does) and how far we're willing to go in reaching others with the Gospel. We love to talk about how strong our faith is but we often put others in the "unreachable" category when it comes to them being saved. "My parents? There's no way God could save them!" "ISIS? Come on! They're slaughtering Christians!" // Why do we think so foolishly? Is anyone really out of reach?
If I was a betting man, I'd say that Peter and John thought Saul was untouchable. But, Jesus had different plans. Sometimes God will use you to save someone and sometimes He has to intervene Himself. Whatever method it used, praise God He does it! There are many instances in the Bible where God used someone unlikely to further the Kingdom. Thank you, Lord!
A large portion of the world has not been reached with the Gospel but a large portion has been reached as well. With that said, a country that is now reached had to be once unreached. What did it take for a country to get reached with the Gospel? It took someone who believed that no man was unreachable in the eyes of God! It took someone believing that God could save a Muslim nation. It took someone having faith that God could save a Buddhist nation. This is what it takes! In Isaiah 6 (KJV), Isaiah hears the Lord say; "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Isaiah immediately responds and says; "Here am I; send me."
As God asked me this morning, I ask you. How far are you willing to reach?
Love you all! Thanks for reading. Connect with me on Twitter at @_ianfarrell
- Ian